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Rogers Lake Authority Minutes 02/21/2018
MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF February 21, 2018  
A meeting of the Rogers Lake Authority (RLA) was convened at the Rogers Lake Clubhouse at 7:30 PM on February 21st.  The following members were present: Dennis Overfield, Richard Smith, Robert Recor, Tom Baehr and Toni Phillips.  Three local attendees were also present. The minutes were typed by Nicole Krol.
The meeting of the Rogers Lake Authority was called to order at 7:31pm by Dennis Overfield.
A motion to approve the minutes from the December meeting with the correction of the town of Lyme will accept the floating mass’ as “leaves” was made by Toni, Bob second.  The vote was unanimously approved.

Lake Patrol
The budget has not been altered for 2018/2019, including the amount budgeted for the lake treatment.
Old Business
Dennis has the weed mat to be deployed at Carolyn Reed’s and will put it in now that the ice is off the lake.  
New Business
The Old Lyme Conservation Commission requested and was granted time at the meeting to present their ten-year plan, but they are not here, so the board will move on.
During a recent meeting with Bonnie, Dennis and Bob were able to touch base on a few items of concern. First, while there is a budget amount allowed for Rangers to patrol the lake this upcoming season, allowing RLA patrol boat to issue citations to offenders is within the bylaws. The RLA can charge up to a $100 per citation.  Bonnie will talk to the town attorney to see if proceeding would be appropriate and RLA feels it would be necessary to have training to instate this. The board will wait for direction from the town. Also discussed were the floating masses within the lake.  Bonnie said the town would contract a landscape company to handle and dispose of them.
Before the next herbicide treatment there will be a third-party, pre-assessment by Scott Fisher of SWCA Environmental Consultants.  The pre-assessment will occur mid-June, once complete the town will request a presentation to outline the findings.  A decision on lake treatment for 2019/2020 and beyond will be determined once the report is received.  The cost of the assessment will be added to next year’s budget.  Attendee asked, “how long have the water quality tests been in place?”   Dennis answered, for each year the lake has been treated Solitude has conducted a water quality report, once the report is generated following the 2018 application there will be a total of five years worth of data.
Dennis emailed David Post about the alewives’ study report which should have been available end of January.   Yale University’s alewives study from late August to early September should include a water quality report. Dennis has invited David to a RLA board meeting to present his findings and have a short question and answer.  
Bob has looked over AER’s water quality portion of the analysis and read the summary from the report. Dennis will find out if the report is able to be posted for the public to read.  Much discussion of AER’s report.  Public information and education is most valuable for the health of the lake.  
Motion to adjourn was made by Dick and Toni second, motion passed by unanimous vote. The meeting ended at 8:19 PM.  
Respectfully submitted,
Nicole Krol, Secretary for RLA, 

The next meeting of the Rogers Lake Association will be on March 14, at 7:30PM at the Rogers Lake
West Shores Clubhouse.